Where we come from, why we do it and where we are today

The Rebecca Nwugo Schoolparents Foundation, a charitable and non-profit organization, was founded in 1940 based in Nigeria. Mrs Rebecca Nwugo's maxim was that “the child should be trained to grow and develop“. This is the inspiration that led to the establishment of the foundation in 1996, as an education scholarship foundation. “Rebecca Nwugo Foundation” is for the purpose of assisting promising sons and daughters of Nnarambia, Mbaise whose parents are not financially able to give their wards Secondary or University education. 

The foundation existed till 1999 or thereabout and stopped due to lack of finance before it was revived in 2021 with the name as “Rebecca Nwugo Schoolparents Foundation” with an expanded scope of geography and career development.


Holistic approach

At the Rebecca Nwugo Schoolparents Foundation, we are committed to the holistic education of children, especially their education and sustainability in life. We cater for secondary school education, which is considered a fundamental prerequisite for a professional career. This involves not only reading, writing and maths, but also important key skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

We support their tertiary education or enable them to learn a trade that provides them with a source of income. We provide counselling, moral instruction and spiritual education to our beneficiaries. We believe that only education and financial support offer a secure future. In this way, we ensure a better future for our children and a more sustainable world.

At inception in 1996 the organization relied on the sole financial efforts of our sponsor which barely sustained the scheme. However, we now rely on the generosity of donors and volunteers to support and sustain our work of training our children who are the future leaders of the society. 

We invite you to learn more about our activities and programs and get involved in our project creating a better future for these children that otherwise would not have the opportunity of having a good education and brighter future. Every donation and support will go a long way in sustaining our project. 

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